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Testimonials - Well-Being
A cancer-scare with a happy ending:
After two different MDs discovered a lump in my right breast, independently, and told me to get a mammogram, I called Madhu. I was so touched by her responsiveness and dedication -- She immediately found time to help me. Over the next three sessions (and in less than 24 hours) she identified and energetically cleared related stored traumas and emotions, and sent powerful, focused healing energy to the tissues to clear dense energy and bring light. What she did was clearly very effective -- as the diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, to my delight, revealed NO masses anywhere in either breast! Within 24 hours of being palpated, the mass had disappeared. Madhu rocks!
Jo Pitcher, VA
My migraines, which happened almost daily, now occur once a month or so. It has been over a year now and I am still enjoying
this wonderful benefit!
NP, Maryland
Madhu assisted me with an eating disorder. I have now learnt this technique and use it on my clients too and the results have been amazing! Madhu readily teaches her clients what she knows so that there is much they can do for themselves too to make their lives better.
SF, Maryland
I had been having a bad neck and shoulder ache for many years and no one had been able to assist me with it. With Madhu, it was amazing. My pain was gone in less than five minutes! I had been having this for seven years and once it even paralyzed me for three days.
Fatima Almeida, President, Home Services (http://www.homeservicesdcmetro.com/), Maryland
Ten years ago I gained weight that I had not been able to lose. I'd tried many diets and many different avenues to lose this excess weight gain. Since I've started doing work with you, I've now been able to lose this weight and have gone down two dress sizes and anticipate more weight loss!! Thanks!
KR, Healer & Massage Therapist, Colorado
Following my 1st Reiki class, I came home to my elderly father having uncontrollable shakes that wouldn't end (he couldn't even hold a cup of water), and so I suggested that I try 'this new thing I learned called Reiki'; and I quickly raised my hands over him midair, bringing my hands down to warm areas as I scanned his body... his shaking stopped in less than a minute, and as my hand touched down on his side, he said aloud: 'That is where it hurt the most.' And it was minimized to almost no pain.
Maria Fusco, MD
I have gained physical health improvements and pain reduction. I am also now more aware of disturbances in my relationships and Madhu has helped make those healthier.
Being a physiotherapist, I always take great care of my health and insist on green and organic food. Hence when I discovered that my cholesterol was elevated (it was 255), it was an unpleasant and little-expected shock. I worked energetically with Madhu around my feelings and beliefs about the issue and felt my disappointment, fear and dismay melt away. I felt calm, confident and surprisingly centered within minutes. Over the next few weeks, I found that there were a series of coincidences that made me stumble upon other people and information that was valuable in this regard. Without the emotional baggage, it was easy to modify my diet, attitudes and lifestyle without guilt and fear. A month later, my cholesterol was substantially lower (168). Needless to say, I was delighted. I do believe that the energetic work I did with Madhu has played a key role in my health and well-being by gently opening me up to and attracting positive change in my life. When you are open to it, one is lead to the right people and places for the change to happen.
SN, Physiotherapist, Maryland
Thanks! After the session I have been feeling very light in the body (especially in some areas where there was a feeling of heaviness) and even euphoric at times!
TS, Maryland
Instead of the lack of flexibility and pain that I am used to, I was able to dance the entire night on New Year's eve. No pain or discomfort after all!
K, Virginia