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Regaining Our Sense of Well Being

Do your perhaps remember the grandparent with whom you did not have to say a word but felt perfectly loved and accepted? Or do you remember the friend who could provide soothing balm with his sheer presence?



These are all people who through their energies bring a sense of well-being to others. They may not do it consciously but deep within them are ingrained habits of positive and encouraging thoughts.



Now can you remember a co-worker who walks into the room and everyone wants to walk out? Such people are unknowingly sending out energy that reduces one's sense of well-being.



So who are you from these two types of examples?



Do you remember, perhaps, how joyous you used to be as a child and wonder where that has gone?



We are born with a wonderful sense of joy. We see its delight in the eyes of babies and little children frolicking with friends. However, over time we start layering beliefs and perceptions on this joy. The result is that the joy gets hidden from sight while we continue to do all the things we are "supposed to do".



As we uncover and release these layers, our sense of well-being returns, as does the delight in our hearts.

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