Even though they work on energetic meridians that only a few people can see, acupuncture and acupressure have long been accepted as techniques that create tangible results in the physical body. Their results have been so impressive that many insurance companies reimburse such treatments, even though they defy the standard medical understanding of how the human body works.
The reason that these techniques work is that acupuncture and acupressure practitioners use the physical body to access the energy body and shift energy there.
So, the energetic body is very real. While we may deny or not be aware of its existence in daily life, it impacts us daily as it stores our thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
While most acupuncturists and acupressurists access this energy body through the meridian system to create physical healing, emotional healing can be done through these systems too - painlessly, and surprisingly quickly. This is the direction that Energetic Stress Relief takes. Using its techniques, it is not unusual for old issues to resolve within a single session.
So you might suspect that this means that you will have to bear old traumas again to be able to "work through them". However, this is where Energetic Stress Relief is different. It is powerful minus the pain.
What a wonderful gift of gentleness and healing for all of us!